Take Advantage of The Summer Season and Boost Your Business Productivity

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Summer season is in full swing and along with it comes the slowed down demand for most B2B companies. Business owners are travelling, referral levels have decreased, and leads are getting cold. In a scenario that may seem hard for small businesses to strive there’s actually plenty of opportunity to improve productivity and establish advantages over the competition in the long run.

A good example of an aspect that can be improved by companies during off-season periods is virtual infrastructure, and one of the key components that can make a massive difference for you is, your accounting systems. Regardless if you are talking about small businesses or big enterprises, paper-based systems or Government-grade software, every company needs to be able to process and keep accurate track of its transaction, and this should be done in the best way possible to assure the money is coming and going where and when it should be.

Most small businesses currently handle their day-to-day accounting operation in spreadsheets or have desktop-installed software. The internet revolution has yet to make a major impact in the way small businesses do their accounting operations, but changes are coming fast… really fast.

Online accounting has been around for a while now, but its adoption only started exponentially growing in the last few years. Companies are no longer satisfied with the limited resources that traditional systems can provide to end users since many of their competitors are already offering much more.

The main advantage that any reliable accounting software will provide your company with is online invoicing. Instant invoicing can be done by using previously set templates or by creating a new one at each time, which will allow you to get paid right away. This feature alone can already bring huge benefits to you and to your customers, and it is one of the leading reasons that motivates businesses to migrate to online accounting.

Still, some accounting systems also offer other features to improve your business productivity, such as accessing all sorts of financial reports at any time so business owners can get in-depth analysis of how their companies are doing. This is a killer advantage point against competitors that still use paper-based systems since real-time insights these digital reports provide will enable you to make faster and better informed decisions. Some powerful and useful features that also make a big difference are bank reconciliation, purchase orders, transactions history, source document upload, and sales tax reporting and management.

Most options available in the market are a bit of a challenge for small business owners to master due to the high complexity involved.  These programs are developed by large corporations for large corporations, overly bloated with features that are usually too deep and technical for a small business owner to understand. If you are a fan of modern and intuitive software interface, you will certainly run into challenges when trying to get these programs working for you.

Pricing is also a concern cited by small businesses about most online accounting software since many of these software charge a monthly fee that can vary to up to $150 a month. This may not seem much, but these expenses add up quickly and can result in a year end that will cost your businesses anywhere from $500 to $2,000. This is the amount of money you could invest into growing your business instead of wasting it if you simply choose a better alternative to QuickBooks or Xero.

It’s time to seize the opportunity and boost your business productivity during this summer season by implementing an easy-to-use online accounting software, Forwardly. Free Cloud Accounting software is the way to go for any modern small business looking for better ways to save resources, so take advantage of it today and improve your results.

Online accounting definitely brings more value to your business and, most importantly, to your customers. It is not just a trend that is being followed by the most notable companies, it is a new industry standard that has emerged to stay for good.

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Image: graphicstock

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